Cabaret Scene, 1922 by Salvador Dali

Cabaret Scene was a unique cubist experiment that came between Dali's early impressionist work and the classic surrealist technique he would later develop. Dali was inspired by Pablo Picasso after he got expelled from the School of Fine Arts in Spain. His inspiration was shown in his paintings, such as this one.
Behind the partly opened kitchen door I would hear the scurrying of those bestial women with red hands, I would catch glimpses of their heavy rumps and their hair straggling
like manes; and out of the heat and confusion that rose from the conglomeration of sweaty women, scattered grapes, boiling oil, fur plucked from rabbits' armpits, scissors spattered
with mayonnaise, kidneys and the warble of canaries. Out of that whole conglomeration the imponderable and inaugural fragrance of the forthcoming meal was wafted to me, mingled with
a kind of acrid horse smell."
-Salvador Dali